Kamil Ali Rextin

I am Kamil Ali Rextin. Marketer & Techno Cautious Person.

I am Kamil Ali Rextin. Marketer & Techno Cautious Person.

I am Kamil Ali Rextin. Marketer & Techno Cautious Person.

I've worked in B2B marketing since 2012. Before that I worked in IT & a short stint as a magazine writer.

Father of 2 - currently in Vancouver, British Columbia. I was born and raised in Islamabad & have lived in Waterloo, Toronto & Montreal.

I've worked in B2B marketing since 2012. Before that I worked in IT & a short stint as a magazine writer.

Father of 2 - currently in Vancouver, British Columbia. I was born and raised in Islamabad & have lived in Waterloo, Toronto & Montreal.

I've worked in B2B marketing since 2012. Before that I worked in IT & a short stint as a magazine writer.

Father of 2 - currently in Vancouver, British Columbia. I was born and raised in Islamabad & have lived in Waterloo, Toronto & Montreal.

I currently run 42 Agency & dabble with other ideas on the internet.

You can also find my writing on Substack, Medium, and Quora.

Photography on Flickr / Deviant Art

Work is on LinkedIn
Personal is on Twitter & occasionally on Threads.

I currently run 42 Agency & dabble with other ideas on the internet.

You can also find my writing on Substack, Medium, and Quora.

Photography on Flickr / Deviant Art

Work is on LinkedIn
Personal is on Twitter & occasionally on Threads.

I currently run 42 Agency & dabble with other ideas on the internet.

You can also find my writing on Substack, Medium, and Quora.

Photography on Flickr / Deviant Art

Work is on LinkedIn
Personal is on Twitter & occasionally on Threads.

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